Friday 14 March 2014

Kitesurfing Brazil Kitesurfing Wallpaper Gear Kite Board Logo Pictures Miami Lessons Singapore Egypt

Kitesurfing Brazil Biography


North Ceara - Kite at  Strong wind and huge flat water lagoons
North Ceara, includes the spots: Icaraizinho, Ilha do Guajiru, Prea, Jericoacoara and Barra Grande which is actually in Piui state and has a weaker wind then north Ceara. The wind is strong and constant. It blows around 26-32 knots. The season is longer, and kite surfing day is longer. Prea in North Ceara is great place to experience kite surfing in strong wind conditions due to its wide, clear sandy beaches and a side shore wind direction.  Long downwind kite trips in this area are challenging due to wind gusts and direction or  reef areas along the beach. Lovely short downwind kite trips are plenty here, like the sunset downwind kite trip from Prea to Jericoacoara. Flat water lovers will enjoy in the huge tidal lagoons in Ilha do Guajiru and Barra Grande. Wave riders can have fun in Prea, if they have a 7sqm kite or smaller.

Kite-boarding at the Secret Spot in Ilha do Guajiru

South Ceara - Kite at Crowd less flat water Lagoons
South Ceara includes the spots south of Fortaleza: Aguas belas, Barra nova, Uruau and the beautiful Canoa Quebrada. The wind south of Fortaleza is less consistent and less strong then Central-North Ceara. The wind blows around 14-22 knots, mainly from side shore to side on shore direction. South Ceara has more vegetation and rivers, a fact that weakens the wind, but creates great river mouth spots, and many freshwater crowd less lagoons.
Canoa quebrada, Brazil -  kitesurfing bay
Canoa quebrada, Brazil - kitesurfing bay
Down-wind Kitesurfing trips in North Brazil
The best thing about kitesurfing in north Brazil, is the downwind kitesurfing trip. The Idea is to kite downwind along the beach, from one kite village to the other. You kite along the cost line, stopping at lagoons, wave spots, rivers and stay each night at a different kite village. You can join an organized kitesurfing trip with an escorting car and a kitesurfing guide or you can organize your own downwind kite trip. You can do downwind kitesurfing trips south to Fortaleza, and enjoy many flat water lagoons, and you do the downwind kitesurfing trip from Jericoacoara to Barra Grande and enjoy super strong wind and beautiful flat water spots. The most popular kitesurfing downwind trip, is Cumbuco to Jericoacoara.

Kitesurfing trip in Jericoacoara area, crossing Camocim river
kitesurfing trip with offroad pickup in ericoacoara area

Organized kitesurfing downwind trip from Cumbuco to Jericoacoara
The Most popular downwind kitesurfing trip, is Cumbuco to Jericoacoara. Villages are spread nicely along the cost, so you can stay every night at different kite spot, and  continue kiting in the morning to the next kite spot. If you want to kite all the way, you need at least 5 days of kiting. Some parts are more relaxed, and some are more challenging.  In general, downwind trips are more relaxed during low tide, rocks and reefs are visitable and can be easily avoided, and the sea conditions are flatter. Following is a description of an organized kitesurfing trip. For details about this kitesurfing trip, Email Enrique Email Enrique, Cumbuco, Brazil

Day 1 Cumbuco - Paracuru, 45 km We start our downwinder in Cumbuco. The first part, until the port of Pecem, has waves, that can be quit powerful especially at high tide. After the Port of Pecem there are fantastic flat water with a sightly side off wind.  Next spot is the wavy Taiba bay. In the beach area of Taiba you will find everything, flat water lagoon and clean breaking waves  from around 1.5 - 2.5 meter high. If you like to avoid the big waves, start kiting at Taiba lagoon, where the wind direction change to side shore and condition are more relaxed. After three-five hours kiting we reach Paracuru, the legendary flat water and wave spot. Right on the beach, there is a cozy restaurant for eating, relaxing and having a shower.

Day 2 Paracuru – Baleia ca. 55 km  Today we will start our Downwinder right after Paracuru in Ponta Aguda. After a short time we reach the lagoon in Lagoinha, which fills up at high tide and is well known as a super nice flat water spot. Then we reach  Guagiru village where a refreshing Acai awaits us. After another 1.5 hours we reach our beautiful beach pousada in Baleia.

Day 3 Baleia - Icaraizinho in Amontada, 60 km We start kiting in Balea, where professional kite photos and videos will be taken, free of charge, by the owner of the pousada. We continue kiting along the coast with it's plenty flat water spots, and a small but long regular wave. In the afternoon we reach the small village Icaraizinho de Amontada. Here, we spend the night in a cozy atmosphere, good food and cool Caperinihas.

Day 4 Icarai de Amontada (Icaraizinho) - Itarema (Ilha do Guajiru) 30 km Today, our goal is the famous flat-water lagoon in Ilha do Guajiru. The highlight of this part is to kite in a river for about 2 km in to the lagoon. After a good lunch in Ilha do Guajiru, we enjoy the rest of the day kiting in the endless space of the lagoon.

Day 5 Tag Ilha do Guajiru – Jericoacoara 65 Km Today you have two options. Either enjoy the lagoon again in the morning and ride directly to Barrinha (close to Prea) at the afternoon by a Land Rover. Hardcore kitesurfers can kite the whole route together with the guide. This part has shallow lagoons, mangroves and total isolated vibe. The highlight of this day is the Sunset Down Winder into Jericoacoara.
If you are reading this page, you must be lucky, because you probably plan a kite trip to the best destination world wide, Brazil. Sunny whether, warm water, sandy beaches, great people and Wind every day! The kite area we focus on is mainly in Ceara state Brazil, where most of the best kite spots are. Even though Wind Forecasts may look the same for most spots, the famous north Brazilian wind start to blow seriously from Cumbuco north west. At Cumbuco, Wind blows around 20-24 knots at season, and picks up downwind along the cost, to blow around 28-34 knots at Jericoacoara.

Brazil - Main Kite sCentral Ceara, Brazil - The best kite conditions
Central Ceara, includes the spots: Cumbuco, Taiba, Paracuru, Lagoinha and Flexeiras. The wind is just perfect, it blows every day from August till December around 20-26 knots. The beaches are mostly wide and sandy. Wind direction is perfect, side shore to side onshore. Conditions at the ocean, are mostly flatter during low Tide, and gets choppy with bigger waves and beach breaks, at high tide. You can practically have a downwind trip all the way from Cumbuco to Flexeiras, stopping for a night or a few, at spots on the way.  In this area, you mainly have great open ocean conditions, especially at the best spot, Paracuru. Few size moderated lagoons in Cumbuco, Taiba and Lagoinha, constant waves in Taiba, and one river mouth in Mundau, near Flexeiras.
Kitesurfing Brazil Kitesurfing Wallpaper Gear Kite Board Logo Pictures Miami Lessons Singapore Egypt
Kitesurfing Brazil Kitesurfing Wallpaper Gear Kite Board Logo Pictures Miami Lessons Singapore Egypt
Kitesurfing Brazil Kitesurfing Wallpaper Gear Kite Board Logo Pictures Miami Lessons Singapore Egypt
Kitesurfing Brazil Kitesurfing Wallpaper Gear Kite Board Logo Pictures Miami Lessons Singapore Egypt
Kitesurfing Brazil Kitesurfing Wallpaper Gear Kite Board Logo Pictures Miami Lessons Singapore Egypt
Kitesurfing Brazil Kitesurfing Wallpaper Gear Kite Board Logo Pictures Miami Lessons Singapore Egypt
Kitesurfing Brazil Kitesurfing Wallpaper Gear Kite Board Logo Pictures Miami Lessons Singapore Egypt
Kitesurfing Brazil Kitesurfing Wallpaper Gear Kite Board Logo Pictures Miami Lessons Singapore Egypt
Kitesurfing Brazil Kitesurfing Wallpaper Gear Kite Board Logo Pictures Miami Lessons Singapore Egypt
Kitesurfing Brazil Kitesurfing Wallpaper Gear Kite Board Logo Pictures Miami Lessons Singapore Egypt
Kitesurfing Brazil Kitesurfing Wallpaper Gear Kite Board Logo Pictures Miami Lessons Singapore Egypt
Kitesurfing Brazil Kitesurfing Wallpaper Gear Kite Board Logo Pictures Miami Lessons Singapore Egypt
Kitesurfing Brazil Kitesurfing Wallpaper Gear Kite Board Logo Pictures Miami Lessons Singapore Egypt
Kitesurfing Brazil Kitesurfing Wallpaper Gear Kite Board Logo Pictures Miami Lessons Singapore Egypt
Kitesurfing Brazil Kitesurfing Wallpaper Gear Kite Board Logo Pictures Miami Lessons Singapore Egypt
Kitesurfing Brazil Kitesurfing Wallpaper Gear Kite Board Logo Pictures Miami Lessons Singapore Egypt
Kitesurfing Brazil Kitesurfing Wallpaper Gear Kite Board Logo Pictures Miami Lessons Singapore Egypt

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